Thursday, November 5, 2009

grn_propzon.f -- code to compute greensfunctions for zonally-symmetric earth models.

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c program grn_propzon -- three-component gfcts
c for zonally-symmetric earth models
c f77 -o /Users/jjpark/bin/grn_propzon grn_propzon.f /Users/jjpark/Ritz/jlib.a
c xf77 -o /Users/jjpark/bin/grn_propzon grn_propzon.f /Users/jjpark/Plotxy/plotlib.a /Users/jjpark/Ritz/jlib.a
c the code reads a special compressed hybrid eigenvector file
c produced by program propzon.
c This routine does a coupling calculation in frequency intervals, storing all
c hybrid singlets in a central interval of the coupling bandwidth.
c the trick is to read the coupling partners for each block, calculate
c receiver and source scalars, then read the eigenvectors one by one.

As with the spherical-earth greensfunction code, this code creates waveforms for a source-receiver geometry stored in the SAC header of a common seismic data file. Unlike the sph-earth code, the output is tied to geographic coordinates (east/north), not radial/transverse. The code syndat.f takes the greensfunctions and sums with a source mechanism to form synthetic seismograms.

sample input:

0 --> # of point to compute, 0=same number as in the data file
ffc.lhz --> data file for source-receiver-station info
gzB0.05_ffc --> filename root for greenfct files, code will append ".lhz" ".lhe" ".lhn"
../Vary/ymodel10_B0.05.zon20 --> input file of hybrid singlets, computed with zonchn.f
/Users/jjpark/Mineos/Models/premiss --> earth model (isotropic PREM in this case)
/Users/jjpark/Mineos/sphnl --> N,L file of spheroidal mode parameters
/Users/jjpark/Mineos/sphe --> direct-access Fortran file of spheroidal modal eigenfunctions
/Users/jjpark/Mineos/tornl --> N,L file of toroidal mode parameters
/Users/jjpark/Mineos/tore --> direct-access Fortran file of toroidal modal eigenfunctions

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