Sunday, February 23, 2020

Installing ObsPy 1.1.1 in J.Park's MacOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) environment via Anaconda

Restarting ObsPy after a hiatus requires that one updates all the packages.  There are many websites out there to advise you, but I didn't find one whose advice did the job, exactly.  So I will report my experience updating to Obspy 1.1.1.

I had Anaconda installed, so the best direction I found was within the Github web pages

but my upgrade/installation deviated from their recipe.  I had to update my version of conda, the program that installs packages within Anaconda.  Follow the web pages on that.  From a terminal window. follow the advice from the GitHub pages.  Add the condo-forge channel to enable downloading software packages.  From the pages, I cut and pasted thusly:
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
  • We strongly recommend to work with separate Anaconda environments, and especially not use the special base environment (formerly named root on conda versions <4 .4="" all="" code="" environment="" for="" is="" nbsp="" style="background-color: rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.0470588); border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, monospace; font-size: 13.600000381469727px; margin: 0px; padding: 0.2em 0.4em;" this="" used="">conda
 commands and environment manipulations, package installations etc.) for anything besides updating the conda package itself (if necessary):
$ conda create -n obspy python=3.7   # or e.g. python=2.7
$ conda activate obspy  # this command used to be 'source activate obspy' on older conda versions < 4.4
(obspy) $ 
  • Install pre-compiled ObsPy conda package from Anaconda cloud with:
(obspy) $ conda install obspy
    Two caveats on this recipe.  First, the ObsPy documentation suggests that python=3.7 is not supported by ObsPy versions up to 1.1.1, so I replaced "3.7" with "3.6" for the python version.  Next, the command "conda activate obspy" does not work for me.  I tried the recommended command "conda init bash" to make these commands work, but my computer protested a mis-application of the init-command.  Instead I used the older command for activating the obspy channel: "source activate obspy"  After the obspy channel was activated, I ran "conda install obspy" successfully.
NOTE:  I had installed an earlier version of obspy in Fall 2017, but I was unable to update it with simple commands like "conda update obspy".  Perhaps there were too many packages to update cleanly after 2+ years of neglect.  So I removed the obspy package and did a fresh install "conda install obspy".  Getting the sequence of commands to enact the procedure of updating my installation, then removing it and starting fresh (though without re-installing Anaconda!) took me several days of trouble-shooting.  I replicated the procedure, without the trial-and-error detours, on a desktop iMac.  The procedure was first to update conda, then delete the obspy package, then activate the obspy channel for working with obspy.  Among other features, the obspy channel deprecates the version of python to v3.6.7 to avoid conflicts with python v3.7. Then install the obspy package from scratch.  