Saturday, December 1, 2007

anirec_synth_circle.f -- make P-coda synthetics at evenly-spaced back azimuth and constant epicentral distance

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c  anirec_synth_circle - anirec to compute synthetics for a specified model and
c  a specified station location from one seismic record read from in_recfunk
c  the code will take the station location  and generate a ring of 120 events that are 90 degrees
c  away, one for every 3 degrees back-azimuth.  To do this we generate a great circle path
c  with the station at the pole of the great circle
c  modified to accept SACfiles with start time info in the header, in A-marker (ahead(9))
c  because the timing information is not used, the value of A-marker is not important.
c  However, in the synthetics, the A-marker and the T1-marker variables in the header are set to 5.0 seconds
c  for easy analysis by recfunk codes that use the header information for timing.
c  the synthetic files are[zrt], where NNN is the back azimuth.
c  the code writes in_recpick_circle, a list of the filenames for recfunk_pick and other recfunk codes that
c  expect the start time in the SAC header

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