Monday, August 20, 2007

recfunk_mwm.f -- moving-window moveout

click the title of the post to access the code.

This code applies a moveout correction by shifting the time window of the horizontal-component time series before DFT and multiple-taper spectral correlation. The code prompts the user to specify a stacking model in the anirec format, and a target depth. The code uses the phase type (P,PP or PKP) and epicentral distance to compute a predicted time that a Ps phase from the target depth should arrive. The horizontal time series is shifted by this time, so that the RF at t=0 is the Ps pulse at the target depth. The zero-time pulse on the radial RF associated with the direct P wave is shifted to negative times, and will often lose focus in back-azimuthal stacks. The GMT script for plotting is similar to that used for other recfunk codes, but has a shifted X-axis to focus the eye on the signals at Ps delay-times both before and after the target Ps arrival.

The code writes output files that flag the target depth:


where the integer 040 stands for a target depth of 40 km in the stacking model. GMT scripts for plotting are executed this way:

./Plot_baz outr_baz_040.grid outt_baz_040.grid 1. RAYN_mwm

./Plot_epi outr_epi_040.grid outt_epi_040.grid 1. RAYN_mwm

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