Saturday, July 21, 2007

Converting JWeed event files to julian days

JWeed event files identify earthquakes in month-day format, but seismic data filenames follow Julian-day format. Unless you have a magic patch of brain cells that converts the calendar to julian days, this is a big hassle when matching files with events. I adapted a little fortran code to convert, and some awk lines that convert a JWeed event file into a format that is used by other codes to pre-process body wave data. Here are the awk lines:

sed 's/,/ /g' events*.events | sed 's[/[ [g' >! blob.dat
awk '{print "echo " $3 " " $4 " " $2 " >! blobb; echo " $0 " >>blobb ; Julian1 < blobb >> ev_julian " }' blob.dat >! c_events
sed 's/xxxx yyyyy//g' c_events >! c_ev

the JWeed event filenaming convention (for me) is, with variants. The first step strips the syntax separating numbers in the events file, so that awk can parse the numbers. The second line creates a command file c_events that uses Julian1 to read the output of the awk step. The last step takes out some superfluous matter from c_events, then you "source c_ev" to make ev_julian. I rename this file events.julian as a template for the file "events" that each station needs in preprocessing (see previous post).

Oh yes, there is a Fortran code

c program Julian1
c f77 -o /Users/jjpark/bin/Julian1 Julian1.f
character string*80
dimension mmonth(12)
data mmonth/0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/
c print *,'enter month, day, year'
read(5,*) jmo,jd,jy
if( jd_julian=jd_julian+leap
c print *,'julian day = ',jd_julian
read(5,101) string
print 102,jy,jd_julian,string
101 format(a)
102 format(2i5,4x,a)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Code will bug in year 2100 due to no leap year. But it's ok for 2000. I only have asinine comments.
