Friday, June 5, 2020

Running R in Jupyter Notebooks within Anaconda

Running R in Jupyter Notebooks within Anaconda

### you can update packages in the GUI Anaconda Navigator, and create special environment to run R notebooks
### to run R in Jupyter notebooks, the Anaconda manual pages suggest that you create an R environment within Anaconda
### see
### the recommended steps involve clicking the "Environments" tab in the left margin of the Navigator
### click "Create" at the bottom of the second Navigator column, under the list of existing environments
### give your new R environment a recognizable name, such as R-Land or r-tutorial
### click the python and R boxes to include both packages in the environment
### wait a bit until the Create button becomes live in the dialogue box.
### click "create" and go get a cup of coffee.
### When you wish to run or to write an R-based Jupyter notebook, click on this new environment,
### then follow the menu to "Open With Jupyter Notebook"

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