rfmig_boot.f -- code to estimate harmonic expansion of RFs in back azimuth
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c program rfmig_boot
c 10/12/04 JJP -- adapted from rfmigrate -- UPDATED 12/01/07 JJP, and 07/27/15
c xf77 -o /Users/jjpark/bin/rfmig_boot rfmig_boot.f /Users/jjpark/Plotxy/plotlib.a /Users/jjpark/Ritz/eislib.a /Users/jjpark/Ritz/jlib.a
c code computes frequency-domain stacks of receiver functions that follow
c a harmonic expansion in baz for both radial and transverse RFs there are
c constant terms and sin/cos terms for 2- and 4-lobed amplitude dependence.
c The constant term should be zero for the transverse RF.
c The 2-lobed terms govern dipping interface effects and tilted symmetry-axis ansotropy.
c The 4-lobed term is anisotropy with a horizontal axis
c The code regresses for the harmonic expansion,
c and bootstrap-resamples the data to estimate the uncertainty of the harmonic terms.
c output files are out[rt]_bexp.grid -- harmonic-expansions of the RFs, in time domain
c out[rt]1_bexp.grid -- harmonic-expansion RFs plus bootstrap uncertainty
c out[rt]2_bexp.grid -- harmonic-expansion RFs minus bootstrap uncertainty
c out[rt]_bbaz.grid -- harmonic-expansion RFs computed for ordered baz values
c migrates MTC receiver functions in the frequency domain.
c requires a stacking model in the anirec format
c such a model may have anisotropy parameters,
c but migration code only uses the isotropic velocities.
c has kluge to cheat the pre-event noise for synthetic records 3/12/00 JJP
c check to see if the kluge is commented out
c this version of the RF code reads a file of data filenames
c you have two choices: either read the time intervals in the filename file
c or read them in the sac header
c the data must be binary SAC format
c horizontals must be rotated to radial and transverse
c for start times in the file of filenames
c the file defaults to "in_recfunk" and has lines of the form:
c 1997.070.19.33.bh? <-- code="" div="" r="" replaces="" t="" with="" z="">
c 57 52 <-- analysis="" div="" duration="" of="" sec="" start="" time="" window="">
c 1997.076.08.15.bh?
c 62 62
c ...
c ...
c ...
c stop <-- 799="" code="" data="" div="" events="" finished="" is="" max="" tells="" that="">
c for start times in the SAC header, the default file is "in_recpick"
c reads seismic record start times from the sac header
c will search the SAC header for specific markers of P phases
c T1 - P, Pdiff ahead(12)
c T2 - PKP,PKIKP ahead(13)
c T3 - PP ahead(14)
c T1=T2=T3=0 ==> use original A-marker ahead(9)
c legacy data has timing in the
c A-marker (ahead(9)) which doesnt indicate which phase was marked,
c For the A-marker, the phase is identified as P/Pdiff for DELTA<120 div="" nbsp="">
c code does NOT combine data with different sample rates
c it is possible to spline interpolate the data files for a uniform sample rate
c see the code in rfmig_mcboot.f, which should be spliceable into this code.
c data files are limited to 99K pnts. To increase, see common block /datastuff/
c many intermediate quantities are plotted with PLOTIT as the code proceeds.
c other intermediate quantities can be plotted by uncommenting calls to PLOTIT
c The code computes a
c the code writes the BAZ-dependent RFs to files
c in a format easily digested by GMT (traces are separated by ">" lines)
c filenames: out[rt]_baz.grid oum[rt]_epi.grid oum[rt]_baz.grid
c these files are overwritten everytime you run the program
c so rename them to save them
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