Thursday, November 5, 2009

zonsubs.f -- the subroutines needed to make zonchn.f work

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This set of subroutines serves zonchn.f, see the earlier post. The first routine yread reads the parameters of the zonally symmetric model example file here

1 1 ! useless parameters for option I never implemented
0.0 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 A,B,C,D,E relative perts to the Backus anisotropy parameters for azim anisotropy with an axis of symmetry.
1 152 181 ! lithosphere in model premiss
10 ! k=10 wavenumber on the sphere

Some relevant passages of code are the following:

c angint is original theta integral for cos{(l+1/2)\theta} structure
c angint2 uses 3-j tricks to speed up the calculation
c angint2X uses 3-j tricks, but for either spherical cap or equatorial band
c angint2XX is s=20 expansion of equatorial band model, no discontinuites
c call angint2(l1,l2,ls(kii),angi)
call angint2X(l1,l2,ls(kii),angi)
c call angint2XX(l1,l2,ls(kii),angi)

c combine isotropic and anisotropic parts, use b,c,e & a,d
c **************************** note that code can incorporate only
c ***************************** one aspherical wavenumber, despite
c ***************************** the do loops
c NOTE: some lines have alternate versions for phi and theta as axis of sym
if(ick.eq.3) then ! tor-tor
do j=1,nom
x +angi(3,j)*(c*ysc(1,1)+e*ysc(2,1)) ! anisotropic
c x -angi(5,j)*e*ysc(3,1)-angi(6,j)*c*ysc(1,1) ! anisotropic-phi
x +angi(5,j)*e*ysc(3,1)-angi(6,j)*c*ysc(1,1) ! anisotropic-theta
x +angi(2,j)*d*ysc(3,1)+angi(3,j)*d*ysc(2,1) ! isotropic
end do

comment or uncomment the phi and theta terms as you wish, but dont comment both or uncomment both.

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