Saturday, July 21, 2007

recfunk_pick_through.f -- read list of data files and retain only those which have a P-wave window marked for RF estimation

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c program recfunk_pick_through
c version of recfunk_pick that reads seismic record start times from
c the sac header, and writes to in_recpick the filenames that have been picked
c 10/13/05 JJP
c input file: in_recpick_raw
c output file: outfile (to be renamed in_recpick)
c xf77 -o /park/backup/bin/recfunk_pick_through recfunk_pick_through.f /park/backup/Plotxy/plotlib.a /park/backup/Ritz/eislib.a /park/backup/Ritz/jlib.a
c xf77 -o /Users/jjpark/bin/recfunk_pick_through recfunk_pick_through.f /Users/jjpark/Plotxy/plotlib.a /Users/jjpark/Ritz/eislib.a /Users/jjpark/Ritz/jlib.a
......implicit real*4(a-h,o-z)
......real*8 ar,ai,el(12),aaa
......complex*8 zc,zero
......complex*8 afft,rf,rfs
......character*80 name,subtext,string
......character*28 title(2)
......character*10 cmps(3)
......character comp(3)
x drfs(2050,799,2),bazs(799),epic(799),s2n(799),ip(799)
x chim(200,2),enchim(200,2)
......dimension iah(158),chead(158),mmonth(12),fr(3),tt(3),ttt(3)
......equivalence (ahead,iah),(ahead,chead) mmonth/0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/ comp/'r','t','z'/ cmps/'Radial ','Transverse','Vertical '/ title/'Radial Receiver Function ',
x 'Transverse Receiver Function'/
......print *,'This code reads start of interval from sac header'
......print *,'it writes filenames of those files that have been picked'
c some default values (often superceded)
......nnf=npad/2 i=1,1000
...... crft(i,1)=0.
...... crft(i,2)=0.
......end do
10 print *,'enter filename e.g. 1998.361.bhz',101) name
101 format(a)
......if(name(1:4).eq.'stop') go to 111
c we assume that the last character is either 'r','t',or 'z' i=80,1,-1
...... if(name(i:i).ne.' ') then
...... namlen=i
...... go to 98
...... endif
......end do
......print *,name
......print *,'no filename?'
98 continue kcmp=3,3
...... name(namlen:namlen)=comp(kcmp)
...... print *,name
...... call sacread(name,a(1,kcmp),ierr)
...... if(ierr.eq.1) stop
...... dt=ahead(1)
...... tt(1)=0.
...... tt(2)=dt
...... tt(3)=dt
...... nscan=iah(80)
...... if( then
...... print *,'Careful! data length greater than 99000:', nscan
...... pause
...... endif
......end do
c naturally, you are in deep poop if dt is not the same for all records
......ttt(3)=dt i=1,ntot
...... time(i)=-ttt(1)-(i-1)*ttt(2)
......end do
......if( then
...... print *,'max records exceeded'
...... stop
......print *,baz,'= back azimuth'
c ddf is cycles/sec
......if(nf.le.0) stop
c ahead(9) is SAC's A parameter, for arrival time. Set by pressing A in plotpk
c......print *,'P window start time, duration (sec)',*) pstart,postwin
......print *,'sach params b and a, pstart',ahead(6),ahead(9),pstart
......if(ahead(9).gt.0.1) write(11,101) subtext
......go to 10
111 write(11,101) name

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